Ana Catarina MOORE


Product Communication Specialist at Markem-Imaje

List of articles for the user
  • A trigger for innovation of a new industrial marking technology

    In the world of innovation, inspiration can strike in unexpected places, even a small French garage. Introducing the Marking Trigger Device, a revolutionary industrial marking product that is set to add game-changing flexibility for a range of coding and marking applications across industries.

  • The Markem-Imaje SPI technology awarded with French innovation prize

    Markem-Imaje is proud to announce that our Continuous Inkjet (CIJ) and Super Piezo Inkjet (SPI) division has just been awarded with an important regional French innovation prize.

  • A taste for change: an overview of key beverage industry trends and the use of laser and CIJ coding technology

    Product packaging and coding is a critical element for all beverage producers, whether large or small.

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