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Markem-Imaje GmbH

Markem-Imaje GmbH
GF: Andreas Grabotin, Maria Arantzazu Baudet Garcia
Sitz d. Ges.: Stuttgart
Amtsgericht Stuttgart
HRB 23533
Markem-Imaje GmbH
GF: Andreas Grabotin, Maria Arantzazu Baudet Garcia
Sitz d. Ges.: Wien
Handelsgericht Wien
FN 257634z


Markem-Imaje CSAT GmbH

GF: Thomas Noack, Vincent Vanderpoel
Sitz d. Ges.: Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Amtsgericht Mannheim
HRB 104 765


Toepfer Babywelt CIJ Coding Markem-Imaje
Andreas Wehl – Head of Packaging Innovation and Cosmetics @ Töpfer

“In conjunction with our system, we ensure that we can send brand, item number, batch number, and more to our marking systems without errors.

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IMA Ilapak Film Coding Markem-Imaje
Andrea Boccolini – VFFS Technical Sales Support Manager @ IMA Ilapak

“Our machines are exported around the globe: IMA IIapak has always found Markem-Imaje to be an excellent partner capable of supporting our clients in every part of the world with widespread support and prompt service in the supply of spare parts”.

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Bioplants Hot Melt Coding Cardboard Markem-Imaje
Xavier Bossard – Operations, Digital and Logistics Project Manager at Bioplants @ Bioplants

“The Markem-Imaje solution proposed to Bioplants was interesting because we could choose the criteria we needed: Before that, we were using a labeler, so one consumable item was created every time we labeled a package. Today we use hot melt ink directly projected on the cardboard allows us to add traceability to the packages, which we did not have before.”
#TouchDry #HighResolutionInkjet

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Mebra Plastik Software CoLOS Markem-Imaje
Nicola Marchesin – IT Manager @ Mebra Plastik

“This (CoLOS) has allowed us to be much more efficient, reducing line equipment times and making it possible to implement new solutions such as automated metrics, fewer ink types, and less waste thanks to more ecological containers and less energy consumption.”
#CoLOS #SoftwareSolutions

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